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  2. Televizyon
  3. Victorious (2010)

Charlotte Harris (Andre’s Grandma) mbti kişilik türü

Charlotte Harris (Andre’s Grandma) mbti kişilik türü image


"Charlotte Harris (Andre’s Grandma) hangi kişilik türü? Charlotte Harris (Andre’s Grandma), MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 684 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, SLUAN, SLUAN, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Andre, it's raining in the bathroom!!!!!


Charlotte Harris is André Harris's grandmother (Portrayed by #MarylinHarris). She made eight appearances in the series: Pilot, Wi-Fi in the Sky, Sleepover at Sikowitz's, iParty with Victorious, Driving Tori Crazy, Tori Fixes Beck and Jade, and The Bad Roommate. She was briefly mentioned in the episodes Survival of the Hottest, Jade Gets Crushed, Tori Goes Platinum, The Blonde Squad, Tori Fixes Beck and Jade, and The Bad Roommate. According to André, she lost her mind sometime before the series. The big showcase in the Pilot was the first time she left her house in six years due to her irrational fear of virtually everything, such as people, rabbis, bikinis, breakfast foods, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, the seven year old next door, car horns, showers, and ceiling fans. She is also scared of clocks changing, mirrors, and web chats, as seen in her behavior in Wi-Fi in the Sky, when she punched André's laptop twice, causing the camera to shatter. She is portrayed by Marylin Harris.

Charlotte Harris (Andre’s Grandma) 'e benzer karakterler Televizyon
