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Victoria “Capella” Olgimskaya Jr. mbti kişilik türü

Victoria “Capella” Olgimskaya Jr. mbti kişilik türü image


"Victoria “Capella” Olgimskaya Jr. hangi kişilik türü? Victoria “Capella” Olgimskaya Jr., MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - 471 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I've not played all of Patho 2 but this is my take on her based on Classic. She seems more concerned with being "good" like her mother than she does about making an impact or having her own personal identity. She also seems disheartened by the Bull Enterprises and being connected to it.


At fifteen, she’s all but grown up. The leader and “mother” of the town’s children, she’s the daughter of the “good” Mistress Victoria and Vlad Olgimsky, an imposing and calculating industrialist. Capella is almost obsessed with the idea of walking in her mother’s footsteps, of becoming the town’s guardian angel and building a world of warmth and hope, but without her noticing, her father’s features are starting to show in her. Indeed, in order to build anything, you need political calculation among other things. She develops the theme of children making a necessary sacrifice out of the town’s obsolete things, the parts of its legacy that the future has no need of. Nevertheless, she’s a positive and pleasant person. Her eyes are tender, dreamy and a little short-sighted. — From the game's design documents Capella is the charismatic and generous leader of the Town's children. After her mother's death, she is heir to the title of White Mistress.

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