Eironn mbti kişilik türü


"Eironn hangi kişilik türü? Eironn, MBTI, 1w9 - - 153 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I have to say, not all those coldfaces were INTJ. Eironn, include, Thane-ISTP, and Gwyneth-ISTJ, they were not INTJ. Just like what I said under Thane's. While making the judgment of INTJ, there, at least, should be tactical arrangements, there should be a thought of potential possibilities as well as precautions, and a evidence of a little possesiveness. Not just the common skills of every well-trained soldier, or every conscious person. As known, alert people may be common in some jobs, but only few of the few were naturally INTJ by the personality. We could also think about "what would happen if we do this" or "oh it's dangerous, let's do sth to get rid", but that not means we were INTJ by then. The real Ni users would be sensitive and interested in taking control of situations by all means, to influence others with their own will(take an example, Sylvanas in WOW). They mostly aimed on to control or to conquer, instead of a simply skills training or self-development. INTJs were possessive person. They're more likely to be a cruel commander than a conscientious soldier. They might feel like to act alone while being unsatisfied with the inefficient teammates, but indeed they are willing to influence others(the point is, they are willing to, naturally, not have to), and unfortunately, they do have the talent of leadership. Eironn is, of course, not that kind of "controller". Plus, the anticonventional stance and critical thinking could also be norms to make INTJs be distinguished, these perhaps the most obvious differences between INTJ & ISTJ. While the real INTJ here was thought to be my kind by his celestial faction, funny.

