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  2. Web Comics
  3. The Loving Reaper

Death (The Reaper) mbti kişilik türü

Death (The Reaper) mbti kişilik türü image


"Death (The Reaper) hangi kişilik türü? Death (The Reaper), MBTI, 2w1 - - 295 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I just want to mention how much I am thankful for who thought to put the loving reaper in Pdbee. Before I go on, the loving Reaper is definitely a INFJ in my book, he possesses every factor of his goofy and soft soul in his personality, now to say the reaper we all know in today’s time is totally different than the LOVING reaper, he cares and he sympathizes with everyone and yet has this slight hate for some humans, but not all humans obviously. So that concludes my review, but with one more detail, some time ago I conveniently put something about the loving reaper’s MBTI personality type on Reddit saying what type he is so go be free to put your response into that if’d you like reader. But for now I must go, I hope you all enjoy your weekends and holidays, may I wish a very goodnight indeed, with love -ReiSki.


He is the Grim Reaper whose job is to take the animal souls who died under neglect, abuse, and other tragedies, or if they're lucky, old age, to his realm. But not before comforting them to not worry about the abuse and led them to a much more peaceful afterlife to have the happiness each of them deserve.
