Sam Burrell mbti kişilik türü


"Sam Burrell hangi kişilik türü? Sam Burrell, MBTI, 9w1 - - 964 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RCUAI, RCUAI, büyük 5, EII' dır."

I think he has more SiNe > SeNi, he seems to have a subjective view of his environment by constantly comparing it to the fictional worlds he is mentally escaping to. He’s often trying to make sure his surroundings are comfortable and familiar by decorating with his interest and relating the current situation to what he has seen before in comics. Drawing and heroes seem to be an outlet for his Ne, however it’s a lot harder to prove that when they are just kids- after all this is normal kid behavior that could be a product of the situation at hand and not a real identifier of any function. You could even grasp at straws and say his sole focus on only superheroes, and accomplishing what they do, could be a result of NiSe (it would really push it). For the sake of typing though, I feel like I could point out stronger Si traits. Identifying the rational functions is going to be a little harder, we don’t really get a great insight into the motivations behind his actions. I think he could have Fi for the moment where his brother painted a mask on him and his fear of turning- or more specifically the fear of losing control over his body. Once again, most of these arguments are weak and we don’t really get enough of his character to decipher him completely. Being scared of turning and dressing up are very weak indicators of any function but we are rolling with what we have. He seems to adapt quickly to others and is in tune to the emotional state of others (“He is scared because you are”) which could be an indicator of Fe. His doubtful attitude toward the well being of his group being calmed by the reassurance of his brother could support a low Ti as well whereas if he had high Fi he wouldn’t let such doubts go away as easy. Same with Ellie’s reassurance of his fears. I see no Te, but I also won’t jump to the conclusion that it’s not there. Based on what I’ve tried to gather, I’m narrowing down the possible options to: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne ISFJ Fi-Ne-Si-Te INFP The only reason I don’t entertain the idea of ESFJ (FeSi) is because I think it’s obvious his main function would be very subjective and not objective like Fe. I think my final answer will be INFP, but take it with a grain of salt when typing shortly lived characters- especially children who aren’t fully developed personalities yet. I picked INFP because I think a tert Si function makes a lot more sense than a tert Ti.


Sam is a character in HBO's The Last of Us. He is the deaf artistic younger brother of Henry, who are hiding from a revolutionary movement seeking vengeance in Kansas City, Missouri.

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