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Tsukumizu mbti kişilik türü


"Tsukumizu hangi kişilik türü? Tsukumizu, MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RLUEI, RLUEI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

"Reading it over again, I think Ishii (and Kanazawa too) must have been terribly lonely... Do we humans start building airplanes and whatnot when we're lonely...? Perhaps they were envious of Chito and Yuuri, who have the luxury of living together. I get envious of these two girls I draw all the time too. 'Ahh... living just for the sake of living... how great would that be?' I think as I pet my outdoor dog," (Girls' Last Tour Vol. 2) I really love what I've seen of Tsukumizu's work thus far, it's always a joy to hear the thoughts and read the creations of Ti-doms, who in my experience tend to avoid expressing their authentic thoughts when they know others are listening. I think their High Ti and Ne is evident throughout Girls' Last Tour in the themes in alludes to (Absurdism in particular comes to mind). I also feel like the relationship between Chito and Yuuri might be a way that they enage their Fe in a way that feels controlled.


Tsukumizu (つくみず) is the pen name of a Japanese mangaka. They are notable for having penned the post-apocalyptic iyashikei manga, Girls' Last Tour, and the four-panel surreal comedy manga, Shimeji Simulation.
