Juror #12 mbti kişilik türü


"Juror #12 hangi kişilik türü? Juror #12, MBTI, 3w2 - so/sx - 379 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SCUEN, SCUEN, büyük 5, IEE' dır."

ENFP with a very bad Te. I really liked his chemistry with Juror 11 (INTJ) though. This juror was a classic representation of an ENFP with an underdeveloped Te. He found it difficult to make a conclusion of the case because he had troubles mixing up the timeline of the facts he had in mind, that's peak Ne.


As described in the original screenplay: " 30 years old. Advertising man. A slick, bright advertising man who thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs and polls, and has no real understanding of people. A superficial snob, but trying to be a good fellow. Throughout the film he doodles on a scratch pad."

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