Vrook Lamar mbti kişilik türü
"Vrook Lamar hangi kişilik türü? Vrook Lamar, MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 163 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEN, RCOEN, büyük 5, LSI' dır."
Vrook Lamar was a Human male who served as a Jedi Master as early as the time of the Great Hunt, holding a seat on the Dantooine Jedi Enclave Council. He was also a member of the Jedi High Council throughout the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, and the Dark Wars. He was friends with fellow Council member Vandar Tokare, despite rarely concurring with him on anything, most notably the decision of accepting Revan back into the Jedi Order after his fall to the dark side of the Force. He retreated to Dantooine after the Conclave at Katarr as what remained of the Jedi waited for the Sith to reveal themselves, but he was killed by Kreia in the ruins of the Jedi Enclave when Meetra Surik had a council assembled to take action against the Sith Triumvirate.
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