Tamaki Iwato mbti kişilik türü


"Tamaki Iwato hangi kişilik türü? Tamaki Iwato, MBTI, 1w2 - sp/so - 126 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEN, SCOEN, büyük 5, ' dır."

SPOILERS ESTJ as a type is going to be people oriented as a priority and throughout the whole movie Tamaki was conserned about Suzume. ISTJ is somewhat of a tempting choice as the chaos of the whole "chasing cat situation" is overwhelming her (as it would overwhelm every mother/step mother ) Quickly going through functions Te - the logic is there, she cares about Suzume a lot and she actually gives up on her well being for the sake of that, which is a common 1st - 4th function relationship of one taking over another Si - Principals grounded in the past, looking for old good solutions and finding meaning in sensory from the past, great example (although far-fetched) may be the diary of Suzume, Tamaki was sure it's all about past memories and some sensory that she might have forgotten back then and needed it to connect to the present, while Suzume who uses Ni as organising function was looking for the hidden meaning rather than details. Ne - That one is propably the hardest to find, as there is no good sources yet to check the movie or clips again and I need to try and recall it from the cinema I'd assume that her being open for the whole ride to the Suzume old home, to change direction and quickly go back can be percieved as Ne. As well her opennes for Minoru options on how to track Suzume may also suggest it Fi - 4th functions are well visible within the states of anxiety/rage and in Tamaki case it's no different, the pain of sacrificing her real dreams (Fi-Ne) as she started to easly throw at Suzume multiple different examples of how her Fi might have been better off without her , I'm not saying she doesn't love Suzume. All i mean is that in the moment of stress and lose of every other function she will get in to the state of grip which is natural for everyone, and for the ExTJ it's often intensive emotional bursts ussualy regretted after as it was not judged by the logical function


Tamaki Iwato 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
