Neil Bowman mbti kişilik türü


"Neil Bowman hangi kişilik türü? Neil Bowman, MBTI, 9w1 - so/sx - 279 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, SCUAI, SCUAI, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

I think that most people here are voting 4w5 because that's the most common type for INFP; however, by voting him 4w5 with 479 as his Tritype, you're stating that he's Double Withdrawn - and I don't think that he's that introverted, on the contrary he seems to be pretty much an extrovert despite his cognitive introversion. Now, why 4? He is described as the polar opposite of what a demon is expected to be but where does this main difference come from? He loves mankind and wants to learn more about it and maybe help it as well, while demons are generally hostile to men. Every Heart type wants to be different, in all honesty, but the motivations, the ways to reach that goal etc. differ based on which type you're talking about. 4s try to be different in order to find their true selves while 2s want to love and be loved. I think that Neil fits the second description much more than the first and it even becomes the main reason why he goes on the Earth, where does the desire of self discovery and personal identity ever come from in the series or the comic? Triple Positive for his Tritype fits him extremely well in my opinion, so that's also a bonus point. Finally - to explain why 2w1 over 2w3 - I say that Neil's attitude to give love isn't really important in terms of the image he wants to give out or the popularity he tries to seek (he doesn't seem to be focused on this aspect at all) but it feels more like it's something interiorized in him, maybe having to do with some sort of personal belief and moral in my opinion. I acknowledge that this isn't an extremely well written insight or what, so please feel free to politely correct any incongruence or to discuss with me in the comments.


An Australian goat demon who moves to China based on his fascination with Chinese culture.

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