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Willis Huntley mbti kişilik türü

Willis Huntley mbti kişilik türü image


"Willis Huntley hangi kişilik türü? Willis Huntley, MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 683 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEI, SCOEI, büyük 5, ILE' dır."

"There's a reason I have the American flag in here. In here there's society, there's order. Out there, the jungle. The synapses in our brains go dark little by little. You forget where you're from, who you are." This guy's entire character is defined by fear of a lack of order and so he aligns himself with American ideals and rules, stereotypical social 6: "This type appears One-like also, but for different reasons. This time, the social instinct combines with the self-pres to give this subtype a strong desire to know where they fit within the group, with whom they can make strong alliances. Conversely, they can counterphobicaly oppose groups. They are usually political in some form. Adhering to rules is seen as very important to this type. They have issues with authority, such as distrusting reactively or trusting too vehemently. This is the result of their lack of a close connection to people (a function of the undeveloped sexual instinct). Their allegiance is not to individuals but to a group of like-minded others. This subtype could possibly find themselves in jobs such as with the police or firefighting force, and in such professions where it is possible to identify with a group that has clearly defined rules and purposes. On the upside, these are people with a strong moral compass; they can be counted on to do the right thing. They do volunteer work. They become politicians. They are generally solid people. On the downside, their “us against them” thinking can turn into bigotry, paranoia, and “playing the martyr.”


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