Gao Ningxin mbti kişilik türü


"Gao Ningxin hangi kişilik türü? Gao Ningxin, MBTI, 3w4 - sx/so - 378 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Noble Consort Gao is almost comical with her over-the-top villainous mannerisms. She seems more like a Te dominant. She always speaks in a concrete logical manner where feelings take a back seat. For example she seemed befuddled when the idea of killing a baby would elicit such protest when it was considered OK by the palace rules. Perhaps this speaks more to her character than cognitive functions, but she takes herself and everything around her seriously, and when she is feeling humorous it seems stilted as if she is incapable of being genuinely joyful. She is a commanding and demanding person, and a lot of times a bully, using the palace rules and conventions to move and manipulate people. She makes plans, but often thinks of the past, which seems a bit Si, along with being highly aware of, and putting importance on social conventions. The past is a big part of her motivations. I don't see Se as she doesn't seem motivated by sensation in any broad sense. She seems to care more about social status and playing her role. She seems more like an Fi user, albeit very unhealthy. She is aware of her identity and where she comes from, and she has a strong personality. Although she schemes like everyone else, she doesn't seem to be one to hide her nature. She is always being herself and people know what to expect from her, which makes her quite an amusing character. Despite being a villain you almost can't help but have pity for her as her story is tragic.



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