Brittany Simon mbti kişilik türü


"Brittany Simon hangi kişilik türü? Brittany Simon, MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 728 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SLOAI, SLOAI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

I suppose I wouldn't rule out ENTJ, but she's so bubbly it's difficult not to lean in the ENFP direction (and by "bubbly", I don't mean emotionally expressive, but constantly brainstorming, enraptured with her own ideas, frequently interrupting interviewees to gush about her personal impressions, all of which seems very Ne to me). She's also very laid-back and nonjudgmental, and seems much more interested in discussing sex, romance, and personal growth than broader social and political issues, toward which she seems to have developed a pretty libertarian, "everyone should just chill" attitude. As for TiFe voters, I think that's dubious. She is clearly very self-oriented in her allocation of time and mental resources, she ostensibly prizes motivational and emotional introspection more than anything else (that's almost definitionally Fi, isn't it?), and the construction of hierarchical systems of the "worth" of human beings is something I've often seen associated with FiTe axis (although usually more so with strong Te users). Also, I'm sure this is controversial, but aren't ENFPs a type that's heavily correlated with BPD?


Brittany Simon is a content creator who discusses philosophy and human existence.

Brittany Simon 'a benzer kişiler İnternet
