Shadow Bonnie / RWQFSFASXC mbti kişilik türü


"Shadow Bonnie / RWQFSFASXC hangi kişilik türü? Shadow Bonnie / RWQFSFASXC, MBTI, 4w3 - sp/so - 459 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, IEI' dır."

I would say that his characterization as a creation of agony seems to suggest NiFe more, as he sort of mirrors the agony of what happened during the past at Freddy's. I would also say that this suggests as well as he is an Fe and an Ni ego in socionics, as Fe is literally about the emotional states of a person's surroundings, and Ni is about time and how events unfold. In mbti definitely INFJ, but in socionics probably either IEI or EIE, I am learning more towards IEI though since he seems to have suggestive Se as opposed to mobilizing Se.


RWQFSFASXC, also known as RXQ or Shadow Bonnie, is a completely blackened-out version of Toy Bonnie. The only things that aren't black are its white eyes and teeth, the latter of which it happens to have a full set of (unlike the animatronic it is based on). Occasionally appearing in the office akin to Golden Freddy, looking at it for too long without putting on the Freddy head or looking at the monitor will force the game to close after it fades. It comes back in 3, though very little information is revealed about it, and returns again for the Ultimate Custom Night. It also returns in Special Delivery when you look for remnants as their shadowy guardian.

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