黄药师 Huang Yaoshi mbti kişilik türü


"黄药师 Huang Yaoshi hangi kişilik türü? 黄药师 Huang Yaoshi, MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 548 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, IEI' dır."

Huang Yaoshi is a fictional character in the wuxia novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes and its sequel, The Return of the Condor Heroes, by Jin Yong. He is one of the Five Greats of the wulin (martial artists' community) during the Song dynasty, alongside Wang Chongyang, Hong Qigong, Ouyang Feng and Duan Zhixing. He is nicknamed "Eastern Heretic" for being an unorthodox radical who behaves as he wishes without showing any regard for formalities or moral ethics. He loathes the dogma of traditional rites in Chinese society and admires only genuine honour and love. He is well-versed in other fields such as military strategy, music and divination. Known to be a loner who harbours "heretical" views on traditional Chinese social norms, he is nicknamed "Eastern Heretic" and his eccentric personality makes him a much dreaded figure. As a youngster, he immersed himself in reading and honed his skills in martial arts. He developed into a polymath, mastering epic poem structures, music, chess, painting, agriculture, cooking, strategy, medicine, prediction, literature, and calculation. Despite harboring resentment towards his grandfather, Huang Yaoshi pledged allegiance to overthrow the crumbling Song Dynasty, yet his father instilled in him a sense of loyalty. Their conflicting beliefs led to heated debates and criticisms from ancestors, branding him as ungrateful. Ultimately, this clash of ideals led to his expulsion from the household, accused of treason for opposing familial principles. Huang Yaoshi often penned texts or books and engaged frequently in profound Chinese philosophical discussions with famouse Chinese philosopher. He detested certain traditional customs while simultaneously traveling to burn government buildings, posting notices of dissent against various terribly administrative offices, including imperial officials, advocating for uprising and reclaiming land from the Jin family. With remarkable skills, he was hunted by hundreds of soldiers but no one cannot capture him. For what he have done considered he spoken on behalf of people in that era, yet his peculiar and erratic behavior led to him being dubbed "The Strange Hero of the Era" due to his peculiar and cruel behavior made him unpredictable and enigmatic. Later, Huang Yaoshi went to live on the Eastern Sea Peach Blossom Island. Relying on knowledge from Zhuge Liang's Eight Gates in the Three Kingdoms period to build a formation of strategic traps using trees at various points to create intricate paths. Those who do not know when they enter the forest will immediately get lost. Because he resided in the eastern sea, therefore received the nickname "Eastern Heretic"


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