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  3. 2010's Songs

Mr.Kitty - After Dark mbti kişilik türü

Mr.Kitty - After Dark mbti kişilik türü image


"Mr.Kitty - After Dark hangi kişilik türü? Mr.Kitty - After Dark, MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RLUAI, RLUAI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

This song is literally my girlfriend, every single word, this is literally her and what she thinks and feel when she's with me, it's actually scary. People say it's Fe grip, I don't think so, I think it's actually INTP who found someone that truly cares for him/her and it's helping him/her become a better person "I showed you I'm growing", it's mental growth, this healthy relationship is helping the INTP develop Fe, the INTP is so overwhelmed by all this good feelings that it can't stop thinking about this person, it just wants to be alone with them and feel good because only them can make them feel this way. Outstanding song, idc what anyone is gonna say, this song is for my girlfriend, it's so spot on!


Genres RYM: Darkwave, Synthpop, Synthwave, Ethereal Wave (Darkwave) Descriptors: Nocturnal, Atmospheric, Male Vocals, Melancholic, Dark, Introspective, Longing, Repetitive, Futuristic, Melodic, Bittersweet, Abstract, Sensual, Passionate As the hours pass I will let u know That I need to ask Before I'm alone How it feels to rest On ur patient lips To eternal bliss I'm so glad to know I see u U see me How pleasant This feeling The moment U hold me I missed u I'm sorry I've given What I have I showed u I'm growing The ashes Fall slowly As ur voice Consoles me We're swaying To drum beats In motion I'm feeling My patience Controlling The question I won't speak We're telling The stories Our laughter He knows me We're leaving We're talking You're closer It's calming The night will hold us close & the stars will guide us home I've been waiting for this moment We're finally alone I turn to ask the question So anxious, my thoughts Your lips were soft like winter In your passion, I was lost
