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P.E. Teacher mbti kişilik türü

P.E. Teacher mbti kişilik türü image


"P.E. Teacher hangi kişilik türü? P.E. Teacher, MBTI, 4w3 - - 'de kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

The PE teacher was short lived so this should be easy. He was pressured to take action in the face of a monster by the director and normally ISFPs would been seen as immune to peer pressure. But I think in this case his Se blended with his SO/SP reacted to the situation leading him to attempt to be a hero ultimately getting him killed seconds later. He did show obvious fear in the face of a stronger adversary right before he was bludgeoned to death. But through the lesnse of MBTI I saw his dominate Fi being crumbled.


P.E. Teacher 'e benzer karakterler Web Comics

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