Snowfox mbti kişilik türü


"Snowfox hangi kişilik türü? Snowfox, MBTI, 9w8 - so/sp - 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

Snowfox x Snowflakes ship name should be Snowfake hahaha /j “Snowfox was ruthless and cunning and was determined to eliminate the entire NightWing tribe after Foeslayer's fire destroyed Snowflake's wing. She was a conniving dragon, noted to be always plotting something. She seemed bold and assertive, as she approached Snowflake almost immediately. She was shown to be manipulative as well, as she was initially willing to trick Snowflake into helping her take the IceWing throne. She was also very intelligent, scheming with Snowflake to get rid of Arctic and ascend to the throne. She was cruel and brutal, having been intent on orchestrating a NightWing genocide — Clearsight noted that she saw many possible futures where she succeeded in this endeavor.” - Wof Wiki.


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