Koki Niwa mbti kişilik türü


"Koki Niwa hangi kişilik türü? Koki Niwa, MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RCUAI, RCUAI, büyük 5, SLI' dır."


Koki Niwa (丹羽 孝希, Niwa Kōki, born 10 October 1994) is a Japanese male table tennis player. He is the gold medalist at the 2010 Youth Olympics and he won the World Junior Table Tennis Championships in 2010 (doubles) and 2011 (singles). On 21 April 2012, he defeated Ma Long of China, World Rank no 1, to become the first player to be qualified for 2012 Olympics from the Asian Olympic Qualifiers. Since 2012 he has been playing for the German Team TTC matec Frickenhausen.

Koki Niwa 'a benzer kişiler Spor Dalları
