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Jake Gillan mbti kişilik türü

Jake Gillan mbti kişilik türü image


"Jake Gillan hangi kişilik türü? Jake Gillan, MBTI, 8w7 - sp/sx - 853 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEN, SCOEN, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

Ni > Si like his methods for controlling Shin , spying Shin for many reasons , how he used Shin gun as a bait to trap those guys and killed them. Even Benille said he comes up with best plans and he does his jobs so calculated and hate’s to change his plans , He is so much private (extra private) about himself and doesn’t leak any information about his life or his emotions or his reasons or his thoughts , Shin repeated many times that he is the type that you can’t read his mind and Shin struggles with it. Te is pretty much evident. But why enneagram 8w7? He can be ennea 1 too. Why not INTJ? Isn’t Ni and Fi higher for him or his Se is more higher?!!!

