Cecil Stedman mbti kişilik türü


"Cecil Stedman hangi kişilik türü? Cecil Stedman, MBTI, 6w5 - so/sp - 613 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEI, SCOEI, büyük 5, LIE' dır."

He's completely goal-oriented and very uncomfortable with sentimentality. His reactions to Donald's existential crises and Immortal's mental breakdown illustrate this. It's Fi-inf for sure. He's pretty good at making instant decisions. We can assume that he has Tert-Se. He is also aware of a lot of information, although it has not been communicated to him. Like the fact that he knew Shapesmith was a Martian from the very first time. We can consider this as evidence for his Aux-Ni. So he's an ENTJ. I'm undecided on his Enneagram, but for now I'm going to call him so6 because of his efforts for the security of the world and his emphasis on rationality above all else. Not all e6s have anxiety or fear problems. So6 is one of the most rational and courageous types.


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