Zoya Lott mbti kişilik türü


"Zoya Lott hangi kişilik türü? Zoya Lott, MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - 416 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

I'm not sure I see her as a Fi dom, she almost always went along with what the others wanted her to do, whether that be Julien or her dad. Maybe once we see more of her in the next episodes I'll change my mind but right now it seems like she has the same vision as Obie, but is more realistic about it compared to him and kind of grounds him a bit. Plus - the whole dilemma about whether she stole someone's place in the school makes me think of strong Fe, a Fi dom's issue in that regard would be "was I good enough to get in?", not "did somebody else not get in because of me?" Edit: Well, episode 4 has proved me wrong. She now feels like an unhealthy Fi dom, and a complete different character than she was in the first 2 episodes. Her writing is the most inconsistent and confusing out of all of them, its hard to decide on a type but for now ISFP makes the most sense.


Zoya Jane Lott (October 22nd, 2006) is a main character in the Gossip Girl revival series. She is portrayed by #WhitneyPeak. Zoya is the younger half-sister of Instagram influencer Julien Calloway. She moves to Manhattan at the behest of Julien, in the hopes of getting to know her sister. Her newcomer status quickly puts a damper on her relationships with Julien's friends. But when Zoya catches the eye of the Prince of New York Obie Bergmann IV and the anonymous Gossip Girl, Zoya is launched her into complicated and new experiences on the Upper East Side.
