Razor mbti kişilik türü


"Razor hangi kişilik türü? Razor, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 694 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RCUAN, RCUAN, büyük 5, SLI' dır."

This exposes a deeper flaw in the PDB community where literally every mysterious antisocial Genshin character is typed as ISTP or INTJ at first. Oh and in case you still think he's a Ti-dom, can I just point out that this is the guy who runs on 50% whatever his present feelings are and 50% wolf code? In what way does Razor analyze, innovate, or theorize like a Ti-dom? Even ISTJ makes more sense than ISTP and I still cannot see Si-Ne axis, once again, this guy is so grounded in the present he couldn't remember the name of someone he met five minutes ago. This is literally how Razor's brain works: Fi - "What do I feel like doing? Hunting." --> Se - "What is the weather like? Clear and sunny." --> Te - "Great, now I can provide for my lupical so they don't go hungry. Or: Fi - 'What am I feeling? I'm sad because my family was killed by an abyss mage." --> Te - "What can I do? I have to get stronger so I can protect others." He has very very little intuition but perhaps that can be because. You know. The wolf thing.


Razor is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact. A mysterious boy who lives and hunts on Wolvendom, a secluded valley west of the City of Mondstadt, with a pack of wolves. Having been raised by wolves all his life, his recent encounters with humans have him beginning to question where he truly belongs.
