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Quack Quack mbti kişilik türü

Quack Quack mbti kişilik türü image


"Quack Quack hangi kişilik türü? Quack Quack, MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 925 'de ISFJ kişilik türüdür, RCOAI, RCOAI, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

Quack Quack is a great example of many problems that an unhealthy ISFJ could have. First, he sucks at setting boundaries, which allows Kaeloo and Stumpy to boss him around into doing the most ridiculous things. Second, he is easily manipulated; Stumpy can make him do literally anything by telling him he’s a bad friend or crying if Quack Quack refuses, and Quack Quack will change his mind instantly. Third, Quack Quack sacrifices his own well-being for the comfort of other people to an extreme degree. For example, Quack Quack is aware that Mr. Cat is dealing with unresolved trauma, so he willingly allows Mr. Cat to physically abuse him to vent out his anger because Quack Quack believes that Mr. Cat is “just hurt and confused” and wants to help him feel better.


Super-talented duck covered in stitches and obsessed with yogurt. The only word he ever says is "quack", though everyone seems to understand what he means by that... or sometimes they don't. The stitches all over his body are explained by the fact that he is actually indestructible, and thus able to survive any injury. He is Stumpy's best friend, Eugly's boyfriend and Mr. Cat's favorite punching bag.
