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Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead mbti kişilik türü

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Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead

Why Are You Obsessed? Even Though You’re Dead

SUMMARY : On the day of my wedding, my fiancé and my friend betrayed me. After their betrayal, I fell down the stairs and died, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the past again. I considered this a blessing from God, as I was given the chance to seek revenge fairly. However, this repetitive process never ends. If I fail to seek revenge, I die because of their betrayal, and if I succeed in seeking revenge, I die in an accident. After several attempts to seek revenge and die many times, I finally found the reason. “Someone was assassinating me every time, and this time I swear to make him pay for every time he killed me.”

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