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The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low mbti kişilik türü

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The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low

The Hunter’s Gonna Lay Low

Cha Ui-jae, a hunter assigned to repair a rift in the West Sea, was thrown out when the rift closed abruptly. He then wakes up in a garbage dump. Extremely hungry and in a zombie-like state, he’s drawn to a hangover soup restaurant, where he realizes that he has fallen eight years into the future. In this era, an emergency alert tells you when and where a gate will open, ASMR videos of dungeon slimes go viral, and a leisurely hunter broadcasts an unboxing of an A-class longsword. Unlike the past, where everyone feared the arrival of the end of the world, the future was peaceful. Ui-jae felt empty. Now, instead of being a hunter, he is going to start the second act of his life as a part-timer at a hangover soup restaurant?!

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