High Clear mbti kişilik türü
High Clear 'dan en sevdiğiniz karakterlerin kişilik türü nedir?
High Clear
Han Juwon has the worst habit ever. He’s an average guy with an average college life, but his facial expression and words become terrifying the second he feels shy. Although he’s trying his best to fix it, Juwon realizes he messed up yet again when he says something rude to his hoobae, Jeong-min. And not only that, but he also keeps unintentionally touching Jeong-min’s chest every time they meet! Juwon knows he has to find a way to apologize to Jeong-min, but even while he feels guilty, he can’t stop thinking of what he accidentally discovered about Jeong-min’s chest… Turns out Juwon’s soft-hearted interior and gruff exterior aren’t the only things that are completely inverted.
Kişilik türü High Clear karakterler
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