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The King Of Comedy (1982) mbti kişilik türü

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The King Of Comedy (1982)

The King Of Comedy (1982)

The King of Comedy is a 1982 American satirical black comedy film directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Robert De Niro, Jerry Lewis, and Sandra Bernhard. Written by Paul D. Zimmerman, the film focuses on themes including celebrity worship and American media culture. 20th Century Fox released the film on February 18, 1983, in the United States, though the film was released two months earlier in Iceland.Production began in New York on June 1, 1981, to avoid clashing with a forthcoming writers' strike, and opened the Cannes Film Festival in 1983. The film opened to positive reviews from critics, but was a flop at the box office, grossing only $2.5 million against its $19 million budget.Rupert Pupkin is a delusional aspiring stand-up comedian trying to launch his career.

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