SCP Foundation mbti kişilik türü

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SCP Foundation

SCP Foundation

Item #: SCP-4445-J Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: Security of this data has been compromised, rendering further secrecy counter-productive. In accordance with Information Security Protocol 008-C-1 ("Class C breach") and the decision of the O5 Council, our current orders are to allow all but the most sensitive data to remain freely available, on the premise that these data are ██████████ of ██████████ released from the image board 4chan and [Data Lost], and uploaded to a community-edited website (i.e. a "wiki"): here. Description: SCP-4445 is the incomplete archives of the SCP Foundation, a secret, global organization which exists to study, catalogue, and contain SCP Objects: artifacts and "items which jeopardize normalcy". Instances of SCP Objects include humans with aberrant capabilities, [REDACTED], creatures of extraterrestrial or extradimensional origin, [EXPLETIVE REMOVED], memetic agents, [DATA EXPUNGED], and objects and devices with properties not fully explained by current scientific understanding. All represent clear threats to human normalcy, human society, human sanity, human lives, or quite simply the Universe at large. The nature of SCP Objects requires that those who contain and study them must possess certain qualities: keen intelligence, a clinical outlook, and a willingness to do what needs to be done.

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