Death Note mbti kişilik türü
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Death Note
Death Note (Japanese: デスノート, Hepburn: Desu Nōto) is a Japanese manga and anime series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The story follows Light Yagami, a high school student who stumbles across a mysterious otherworldly notebook: the "Death Note", which belonged to the Shinigami Ryuk, and grants its user the power to kill anyone whose name and face he knows. The series centers around Light's subsequent attempts to use the Death Note to change the world into a utopian society without crime and the subsequent efforts of L, a reclusive international criminal profiler, to apprehend him and end his reign of terror.
Kişilik türü Death Note karakterler
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Kişilik tipi Death Note aktörler
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