1. 名人和角色
  2. 商业
  3. Business

Kaesang Pangarep MBTI性格类型

Kaesang Pangarep MBTI性格类型 image


"Kaesang Pangarep是什么人格? Kaesang Pangarep是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的6w7 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Nak... Kembali lagi ke jalanmu untuk jadi kang kripik pisang... 😢 Ngapain lah berliku-liku politik jahanam dengan keluarga bapak kau tu. Sudah bagus bongkar aib korupsi bansos pemilu & bansos COVID yg lebih parah... KENAPA?! KENAPA KAU PILIH JALAN INI, NAK??! SADAR NAK


Kaesang Pangarep (born 25 December 1994) is an Indonesian entrepreneur and YouTuber. He is the third and youngest son of 7th Indonesian president Joko Widodo. He graduated from ACS International in Singapore with an International Baccalaureate diploma, and Singapore University of Social Sciences. He is currently the owner of Liga 2 football club and Persis Solo along with Erick Thohir. Kaesang is active in the culinary business, owning a chain of banana-centered outlets operating in several cities in Indonesia. He also created a clothing line, featuring images of tadpoles. In addition, he is active as a marketer in a 2017-launched startup called Madhang, which works with culinary SMEs and households.

类似Kaesang Pangarep的商业名人
