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Adrian Bliss MBTI性格类型


"Adrian Bliss是什么人格? Adrian Bliss是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - so/sx - 549,五大类型中的,Socionics中IEI类型。"

I don’t actually see much fe if I’m being honest, I mostly see the awkward over politeness that can come with fi doms who are a little oblivious and aren’t naturally wired to process information and values in an extraverted way. It might be a persona tho so I have no idea and tbf i do see something that could easily be ti. Edit: honestly I feel like his politeness is more fi than anything, almost seems like he’s projecting his own sensitivity to empathize and as of such is very careful and polite. I’m open to arguments for INTP tho.


"Down with the fourth wall" Adrian Bliss has a knack for creating cringe humor videos with awkward-like characters breaking the fourth wall using constant eye contact at the camera/audience. And known for his multiple characters with creative costumes and polite speeches, he gained 3 million and more followers on Tiktok and 5.4 million-plus on Youtube.
