Karina Leopold MBTI性格类型


"Karina Leopold是什么人格? Karina Leopold是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/sx - 926,五大类型中的RLOAN,Socionics中类型。"

I'm sorry can one of the 2 INFP voters explain Karina's fi? Her fe is strong it drives me insane. Every decision Karina makes is because she strives to not be a burden to other people. You could argue that this is just a 9 fix but when has she ever used fi? Karina has never once put her values above the feelings of herself and most importantly, others. She is very focused on maintaining a perfect social harmony, a clear indicator of both an fe and 9 fix. Karina's Si is also way too strong to be only a tert function. She is constantly reflecting back on her past decisions and how they affected her before doing anything because she's afraid of being hurt or being a bother. This is very clearly shown in the way she tiptoes around her family when it comes to her art. Obviously everyone feels like this sometimes, but this constantly affects her for the entirety of her life. The more Karina acts like the quiet girl she feels like her family wants and needs her to be, she finds it too hard to break out of that cycle, out of fear of disrupting her family's peace until it's too late (also makes me think of her aux ne inf ti with her impulsivity and not well-thought out decisions!!). If anyone has any arguments against her FeSi and ESFJ typing I'd love to hear an argument that isn't IXFP artist stereotype :) edit: said se instead of ne, but I fixed it along with some other small typos and mistakes

