Maria MBTI性格类型


"Maria是什么人格? Maria是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sp/so - 296,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Her MV: Maria is a gentle girl who likes to move at her own pace. She adores cute things, such as Sanrio characters and decorated sweets. She's very good at acting and can come off as a little spoiled because she likes when people do things for her, which gives the impression that she's helpless. However, she is very courageous and has a lot of energy. While she's usually kind and sweet to others, she doesn't get along with Yuzuriha since she doesn't spoil her like everyone else. She calls her childhood friend Hikaru by the nickname "Hi-chan," and they're always together. She loves how Hikaru constantly dotes over her and protects her. In return, Maria is attentive to Hikaru's feelings and always worries when she's overworking herself. They often play house together, where she is the mother and Hikaru is the father. However, because a single father is raising her, she doesn't know what is considered "motherly"
