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  3. Food

Japanese Cuisine MBTI性格类型

Japanese Cuisine MBTI性格类型 image


"Japanese Cuisine是什么人格? Japanese Cuisine是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - so/sp - 152,五大类型中的,Socionics中SLI类型。"

I’m going with Ni-Te and here’s why. Yes, Japanese food is traditional, however the food itself consists of many flavor profiles that objectively work together. Take sushi for example, it challenges the person eating it to unfold and study the rich layers in itself, then to essentially create a bigger picture.


One of their most popular dishes is Sushi. The cooking style might vary from one place to another but the idea behind cooking is almost the same. Usually, they prefer boiled rice as rice balls for dinner. Another important cuisine of Japan is none other than Tofu. The combination of rice, vegetables, and nori makes the food a lot more delicious than usual. Along with this, they also provide more than one variety for their food such as Sushi and Tofu. They have developed a particular taste for the dish and this is why people are so fond of eating Sushi or Tofu or any other dish. This is why Sushi and Tofu are the most popular dishes in Japan. They use fried vegetables and boiled rice for their meals and mostly look for some light spicy meals. Japanese people are not very fond of chilly and that is why they do not use much chilly in any of their food. Along with the food, the Japanese people very much like to serve hot tea to their guests.
