Lady Fu Hao MBTI性格类型


"Lady Fu Hao是什么人格? Lady Fu Hao是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的2w3 - so/sx - 285,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Lady Fu Hao was one of the 60 wives of Emperor Wu Ding of ancient China’s Shang Dynasty. She broke with tradition by serving as both a high priestess and military general. According to inscriptions on oracle bones from the time, Fu Hao led many military campaigns, commanded 13,000 soldiers and was considered the most powerful military leader of her time. The many weapons found in her tomb support Fu Hao’s status as a great military power. She also controlled her own fiefdom on the outskirts of her husband’s empire. Her tomb was unearthed in 1976 and can be visited by the public.

类似Lady Fu Hao的历史名人
