Dario Fabbri MBTI性格类型


"Dario Fabbri是什么人格? Dario Fabbri是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - - ,五大类型中的RCOEI,Socionics中类型。"

https://www.ilmessaggero.it/AMP/persone/dario_fabbri_riccardo_puglisi_non_laureato_luiss_scienze_politiche_la7_mentana-7671291.html Dopo aver letto quest’intervista, non ho alcun dubbio sul suo essere INTJ. Il sentiero da autodidatta poi conferma il tutto [portare avanti una propria visione, magari diversa dai più è abbastanza frequente negli INTJ. Anche se dovessero seguire un percorso di formazione accademico tradizionale, prima o poi svilupperebbero un proprio modo di procedere, che per loro (noi) è essenziale].


Geopolitical analyst and journalist, scientific advisor and coordinator for America for Limes, an Italian geopolitics magazine. He is also chief geopolitical analyst of Macrogeo, a geopolitical and macro-financial think tank. He is a member of the Italian Society of Military History. He is a lecturer of Middle Eastern geopolitics at the Training School of the Department for Security Information (DIS, Presidency of the Council) and of geopolitical narration at the Holden School of Turin. He writes about American geopolitics for Conflits, a French geopolitics magazine, and for Gnosis, an Italian intelligence magazine. In the past he has written geopolitical comments for Italy Daily, the Italian supplement of The International Herald Tribune. He holds seminars and conferences at numerous Italian and foreign universities.
