Bruce MBTI性格类型


"Bruce是什么人格? Bruce是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的3w4 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Bruce is a complicated little pony. On one hand, he is passionate, driven, highly intelligent, witty, and a fun enough guy, on a good day. One the other hand...he's an asshole. He is a grumpy, impatient, prickly big ball of emotional constipation, and as a colt, he was a primary bully to kid Pandora. He was heavily neglected by his parents as a foal, which has made him reluctant to get close to others, and even hostile toward new ponies. But once the idiot gets over himself, he is loyal and fiercely protective of his loved ones and friends, even if it means half carrying a tipsy Magnolia May back to her home, or enduring yet another one of Rosemary's batches of foul health tonic.
