Jackie Earle Haley MBTI性格类型


"Jackie Earle Haley是什么人格? Jackie Earle Haley是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的6w7 - so/sx - 594,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中EIE类型。"


Jackie Earle Haley (born July 14, 1961 in Northridge, Los Angeles) is an American actor. He is possibly best known for playing Rorschach in Watchmen. Previously a child actor, most notably as Kelly Leak in The Bad News Bears and the first voice of Jamie Boyle (the youngest son who sides with his father on whatever controversial situation the family gets itself into and isn't afraid to find new ways to make money for himself) on the early 1970s animated sitcom Wait Till Your Father Gets Home. He also played Freddy Krueger in the 2010 reboot of A Nightmare on Elm Street.

类似Jackie Earle Haley的流行文化名人
