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  3. Holidays

Thanksgiving Day MBTI性格类型

Thanksgiving Day MBTI性格类型 image


"Thanksgiving Day是什么人格? Thanksgiving Day是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - so/sx - 216,五大类型中的SCOAN,Socionics中ESE类型。"

This date gives me a specific time to feel that life is a real miracle. Especially the people we've met. No matter classmates, teammates, or relatives. How special it is, to make our souls meet and spend good time together? If we, or someone else once made a small different decision, we would have missed in the universe. Thanks for meeting you, what a good luck! And, we each has an interesting soul. We can experience, think, feel so much, physically and mentally, in the enormously diversified world. We can feel challenged, disappointed, or surprised, satisfied, amazed, and happy, everyday. Thanks for us having been born as a complex creature.


(fourth Thursday in November): A holiday that traditionally celebrated giving thanks for the fall harvest, but is more commonly associated with the dinner shared by the colonists at Plymouth, Massachusetts and the local Native Americans. It is usually celebrated with a big turkey dinner, parades (including the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade), National Football League and college football games, and TV specials. Originally celebrated as a strictly local holiday in New England and the Northeast, the first national day of thanksgiving was declared by president Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War.
