Mr. Smitty MBTI性格类型


"Mr. Smitty是什么人格? Mr. Smitty是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Mr. Smitty is an antagonistic character of Rocko's Modern Life. He was Rocko's abusive boss while he was working at Kind of a Lot o' Comics. Mr. Smitty is a tyrannical and aggressive toad, in addition to having a short temper with his employees and even customers, especially towards Rocko. His personality is apparently the result of "the green button" on his office chair; In the episode Power Trip, Rocko is temporarily appointed manager of the comic store and, after pressing "the green button" his personality changes to match Mr. Smitty's and he, in turn, is mean spirited towards Filburt, who was filling in for Rocko.

类似Mr. Smitty的卡通角色

