Usagi MBTI性格类型


"Usagi是什么人格? Usagi是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sp/so - 783,五大类型中的SCUEI,Socionics中SEE类型。"

ENTP的论证过程真是有点搞笑的彻底,我一开始都不知道往哪落脚去论说这种搞笑。 Ne使用者好奇心大于Se,乌萨奇喜欢去探索新鲜事物且探险找各种稀奇古怪的东西,所以他是Nedom? Se和Ne都有向外探索的性质,因为本身这两种功能都是外倾功能,落脚点都在客体上,但Ne本身的探索更多落于自己直觉和无意识的探索领域。请问你如何从乌萨奇身上区别出Ne和Se的这一点?更何况注重体验和冒险难道在网上不是Se的代名词吗? 他经常干抽象的事,不知道在想什么,所以他是n人。拜托别给n人整这种刻板印象了,也不要觉得s人整不了抽象活,这难道不是个人性格和发展的问题吗?抽象到底是如何定义的?我其实觉得si会比ne更抽象,因为如果你形容一个人抽象是因为你看不懂他,你认为他做的事情很费解的基础上才会认为他抽象,si因为是内倾功能,心理能量主要集中于主体观念层面,难道不比更在意客观状态的ne更抽象吗? ESTP是一种自我曝光式社交,结论哪来的?Pleaseeee?ESTP更注重外表ENTP就不会更注重,这种结论又是如何出现的?探索和好奇心是Ne的特权吗?ENTP投票者你们的很多论述太集中于上层特质层面,完全可以说只是空中楼阁。 包括结果导向这一说辞,也和Se没有绝对的关系。Se本身只是一个非理性的感知功能,是一种认知过程,它主要关注的是“正在进行着的”,积累的对具体客体的实际体验,你觉得看着树脂融化感到很开心很抽象,我倒认为它更符合Se的过程:我能感受到树脂融化的过程,它形态的变化,消逝的方式非常让我舒适。 很多时候我们对网络Ne的印象太过于像e7,追求快乐,追求新鲜和探索,乌萨奇正好就是e7,不能解释它的行为吗? 最后,ESTP也可以很擅长理论学习,请把学习能力还给s人。


A rabbit character born on January 22, 2019, and a friend of Chiikawa. He's perpetually energetic and carefree, occasionally taking on a mischievous role. Despite his antics, he stands by Chiikawa and Hachiware, offering help and support when they're in need. Surprisingly observant, he can see through the true natures of Momonga and others. He's skilled at playing the guitar. Although he doesn't speak, he communicates with peculiar noises like "yaha," "lulu lulu," "huh?" and "ulalalalalala." He has a hearty appetite and a fondness for food. When battling monsters, he wields a trick stick that explodes at both ends, complete with a self-portrait drawn in a magic pen. He has reached the third grade of the Pulling Weeds Test. His debut wasn't in this series but in the announcement cartoon for "MOGUMOGU Tabe-aruki Kuma." In a collaboration cartoon with FamilyMart, he humorously greeted with "irasshaimase (welcome)" as "Shaaah-ulalalasseh," despite typically not using meaningful words.

