Timur (Тимур) MBTI性格类型
cyclops, assistant and approximate shah. He speaks with an oriental accent. It was he who was instructed to find Alyona together with Farid, but he brought Vseslav to the ruler. In the first film, the Cyclops seems sinister, and in the second it turns out that he is very intelligent and good-natured. Appointed commander of the women's battalion, Timur unexpectedly falls in love with Efrosinya Spiridonovna, whom she calls by her patronymic.
Yerema (Ерёма)
Efrosinya Spiridonovna (Ефросинья Спиридоновна)
Alyonushka (Аленушка)
Vseslava (Всеслава)
King Dormidont (Царь Дормидонт)
Gordey (Гордей)
Frauenlob von Zvetter (Фрауэнлоб фон Цветтер)
Rahman (Рахман)