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  3. Drinks

Bubble Tea / Boba MBTI性格类型

Bubble Tea / Boba MBTI性格类型 image


"Bubble Tea / Boba是什么人格? Bubble Tea / Boba是MBTI中的INFP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/so - 947,五大类型中的RCOAI,Socionics中SEI类型。"

i am an INFP and my fav drink is boba. So ofcourse i am gonna vote INFP. Buuut also it makes sense. It is not like coffee (a social drink). It exists because it tastes like heaven. So introverted. It is intuitive because it resembles heaven. It is emotional bc it creates strong emotions on peope, it makes you obsessed. Even in winter when you dont drink iced coffee you drink cold boba. So feeler. And it has messy boba pearls so perceiver. I am not getting into functions i am letter typing because otherwise it wouldnt be INFP.


Bubble Tea(also known as boba) which was born in Nanyang, first appeared in Taiwan in the 1980s, it has quickly become a beloved drink around the world. It is considered one of Taiwan's cultural heritage beverages and is one of the most delicious beverages out there.
