1. 名人和角色
  2. 动漫
  3. Paripi Koumei

Toshihiko Karasawa MBTI性格类型

Toshihiko Karasawa MBTI性格类型 image


"Toshihiko Karasawa是什么人格? Toshihiko Karasawa是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sx/so - 351,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

I think that Karasawa is more like INTJ than ISTJ. First, I want to talk about why he gets screwed up. To me, Ni-dom and Se-inf are the reason behind them. He knows that the promotion tactic must be "shocking" enough to gain likes in a short period, so he chooses to join in the later phase. If we look broader, he has already "mapped" the entire way for AZALEA to come up on top. However, due to Se-inferior, he overlooked multiple data and was ruined by Kongming in the end. If Karasawa has Ne-inferior like ISTJ, he will not lose because of this reason. Ne-inferior shows them all kinds of negative possibilities. As a result, he may not think that he won from the start because there are too many ways for things to go wrong. That means he may not fall into this scheme if he is ISTJ. However, Kongming is far better than him in strategy. So, whether Karasawa was ISTJ or INTJ, Kongming would always find out how to get him down.


CEO of Key Time and Producer of the band Azalea.

类似Toshihiko Karasawa的动漫角色
