Kartir MBTI性格类型


"Kartir是什么人格? Kartir是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Kartir (Middle Persian: 𐭪𐭫𐭲𐭩𐭫, New Persian: کَرتیر) was a powerful and influential Zoroastrian priest during the reigns of four Sasanian kings in the 3rd-century. His name is cited in the inscriptions of Shapur I (as well as in the Res Gestae Divi Saporis) and the Paikuli inscription of Narseh. Kartir also had inscriptions of his own made in the present-day Fars Province (then known as Pars). His inscriptions narrates his rise to power throughout the reigns of Shapur I (r. 240–270), Hormizd I (r. 270–271), Bahram I (r. 271–274), and Bahram II (r. 274–293). During the brief reign of Bahram II's son and successor Bahram III, Kartir was amongst the nobles who supported the rebellion of Narseh, who overthrew Bahram III and ascended the throne. During Narseh's reign, Kartir fades into obscurity, due to not doing anything noteworthy as high priest.
