The Realist MBTI性格类型


"The Realist是什么人格? The Realist是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的6w5 - - ,五大类型中的SLOAN,Socionics中类型。"


Common Attributes: Takes the middle ground or take a third option, mediation, objectivity, decisiveness, balance between the group's well-being and the goal, personal code, disciplinarian, calm or quiet, leadership, experience, adaptability, and willingness to bend the rules. Most Common Temperaments: Phlegmatic or Melancholic qualify most often. Most Common Blood Type Association: Type AB or Type A Myers–Briggs types in general: Variable; often __FJ, IS_J or EN_P (which, despite their differences, are generally well-balanced types between logic and feeling). Most Common Freudian Mindset: a wise Superego or a commanding Ego.
