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  3. European, Musicians

Stien den Hollander (S10) MBTI性格类型

Stien den Hollander (S10) MBTI性格类型 image


"Stien den Hollander (S10)是什么人格? Stien den Hollander (S10)是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中EII类型。"

The way she puts her songs together lyrically and melodically is interesting. She doesn’t waste a beat. She makes the songs feel universally intimate by limiting everything to relatable concepts with her own story hiding in there, using primarily her voice to show her own raw emotions. It’s funny because although they’re so different, it reminds me of how Olivia Rodriguez (Fe dom) also primarily uses emotionally broad storytelling with detailed real-life lyrics, while her voice is what adds the personal emotional depth. Congrats dutchies what a win Also she’s ******* beautiful.


Stien den Hollander (born November 8, 2000) is a Dutch rapper and singer. She's known for her daring songs about mental health. Stien represented the Netherlands in Eurovision 2022 with her song 'De Diepte'.

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