Reath Silas MBTI性格类型


"Reath Silas是什么人格? Reath Silas是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

This guy is a clear example of ISFJ 3w4. He shows that he wants to improve and learn more and more and he's a bit academic-oriented and a 3w4 is the most academic-oriented out of all of the enneatypes.


Reath Silas was a human male Jedi Padawan who lived during the High Republic Era. The apprentice of Jedi High Council member Jora Malli, most of his apprenticeship had been spent on Coruscant or in high-level diplomatic meetings, before Malli was appointed the commander of the Jedi quarter aboard the new space station Starlight Beacon. Silas was subsequently assigned to the station with his master, a move that did not please him since he preferred spending his time in the Jedi Archives instead of partaking in adventures away from Coruscant.

类似Reath Silas的文学角色

