1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Cyberpunk 2077

Goro Takemura MBTI性格类型


"Goro Takemura是什么人格? Goro Takemura是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - sp/sx - 613,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中LSI类型。"

I thought his 4 fix was obvious – his 4-ish disdain for others especially in Night City is clear, and even among the high-ranking Arasaka guards he clearly draws lines of difference between him and, say, Oda or Adam Smasher. Obvious poetic (quoting traditional literature and adages, finding deeper meaning in them), artistic (the extent to which he alludes to his culinary skills), melancholic ("Bad memories washed away by time, I long only for the simple days of childhood") streak in him that is just stifled by the corporate world. Honestly if someone argued that he were an INTJ sx5 who is just a brainwashed product of his environment it wouldn't be the most nonsensical argument to make


Goro Takemura (竹村 五郎) is the former personal bodyguard of Saburo Arasaka. He is a stoic man of honor and fiercely loyal to Arasaka, but finds himself betrayed and out of his element in Night City. Goro Takemura was born in the slum of Chiba-11, the district with the highest murder rate in all of Japan. It's unknown what became of his mother; as his father worked full-time in a kitchen, Goro was looked after by his grandmother. The family was so poor that they did their laundry in the chemically polluted canals. Out of poverty, he was conscripted into Arasaka's corporate army, where he would eventually join the special forces division, a fortunate incident that he compared with having won the lottery. At the Arasaka academy, he received an education and graduated at the top of his class.
